The links below will take you to other websites and resources where you can learn more about F.A. Hayek, his theories, his impact on modern economic thought, and access his writings.

Cafe Hayek
One of America’s leading economics blogs co-authored by Donald J. Boudreaux, professor of economics at George Mason University, senior fellow with the Fraser Institute and author of Essential Hayek.

The Hayek Interviews
Filmed at a PBS outlet in San Jose in 1979, these videos capture conversations between F.A. Hayek and a series of notable economists and legal scholars including Armen Alchian, Robert Bork, Leo Rosten, James Buchanan, and Tom Hazlett.

A short overview of Hayek’s life and writings
Posted on the website of the Foundation for Economic Education, this overview of Hayek was written by Peter Boettke, Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University.

The Pretence of Knowledge: Hayek’s 1974 Nobel Prize lecture
Text of F.A. Hayek’s 1974 Nobel Prize lecture.

A collection of articles examining Hayek’s theories through a libertarian lens
From, a resource on the theory and history of liberty.

The Hayek Lectures (audio files)
From Liberty Fund’s online Library of Liberty, a collection of seven lectures given between October 7 and November 13 1999 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian economist F.A. Hayek.

Portrait of Hayek (audio file)
From Liberty Fund’s online Library of Liberty, The Intellectual Portrait Series: The Life and Thought of Friedrich A. Hayek (audio documentary).

Selection of essays by F.A. Hayek
From Liberty Fund’s online Library of Liberty, a collection of key extracts by, and essays about F.A. Hayek.

Hayek essay: The Use of Knowledge in Society (1945)
From The Best of the Online Library of Liberty, an influential article by Hayek from 1945 in which he demonstrates the part prices play in disseminating widely diffused knowledge about consumer demand and the availability of economic resources in order to make rational economic calculation possible.

Hayek essay: Kinds of Order in Society (1964)
From The Best of the Online Library of Liberty, this essay by F.A. Hayek offers a concise explanation of the difference between “constructed” orders and “spontaneous” orders.

Overview of Hayek’s writings and theories from the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics is found on the website of the Library of Economics and Liberty.

Hayek essay: Competition as a Discovery Procedure
From the Fall 2002 Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, a translation of a Hayek lecture in which he discusses how the re-introduction of the market mechanism for determining the distribution of workers among industries and firms will bring with it a considerable acceleration of the increase of the level of average real wages.

Hayek essay: Two Types of Individualism
From the Mises Institute, a selection from F.A. Hayek’s Individualism and Economic Order, in which he contrasts two types of individualism: one that leads to freedom and spontaneous order, and the other that leads to collectivism and controlled economies.

Overview of Hayek’s major theories
From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, David Schmidtz, Kendrick Professor at the University of Arizona, provides an overview of Hayek’s theories and writings.

Taking Hayek Seriously
A website with a collection of links to additional articles and books by and about F.A. Hayek. Also includes research resources and audio and video interviews with Hayek.

The Road to Serfdom
From the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a free PDF version of the Reader’s Digest condensed edition of Hayek’s classic, The Road to Serfdom. Also available as a free PDF, the Road to Serfdom told in cartoons.

Suggestions for further reading
This short list of suggestions for further readings is divided into three parts. The first features works by F.A. Hayek himself. The second part contains suggestions for people whose only introduction to Hayek is this book. The third part offers more “advanced” suggestions for readers who seek a greater depth of knowledge of Hayek’s scholarship. All works are listed along with their original dates of publication, although many of them have since been republished and often updated.
